Let's glide

into the waves of future technologies...


Energy Storage systems
Nanotechnology Graphene cells 

Energy Storage Systems are an integral part of the smart grid and are essential for its proper function. As the number of decentralized sources increases, so does the importance of Energy Storage Systems. They can be implemented in the production, distribution and consumption of electricity. 

Civil Defense

Stealth Nanotechnology Systems
We can make it invisible...

The short electromagnetic wavelengths which characterize near and thermal infrared radiation permit the use of thin coatings to control absorption and reflection of radiation in these regions.

Coatings may also be formulated to combine reduced emissions in the thermal region with reduced reflection in NIR bands used for laser detection.



Water Purification Nanotechnology
Plastic to Diesel - Waste management 

This is an innovative and efficient water detoxification nanotechnology for the destruction of extremely hazardous toxins and emerging pollutants in natural waters and water supplies.

Our technology has won the PSIPW International Prize for Water Award Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Over half of the world population lives in regions where access to water will become a challenge to existence. Human beings, animals, vegetation and environment are affected by hazardous pollutants of emerging concern that appear in the water. These pollutants include industrial and pharmaceutical compounds, toxins, hormones (endocrine disruptors), and pathogenic microorganisms.

In our methodology, we followed a holistic approach going from the level of the nanomaterials synthesis to device design and manufacture, passing through process engineering and optimization.


Research and Development

We build a new future

We like to invite people, fully committed to protect the environment and water resources, to join us in a collaborative international endeavour to practically implement the newly developed technology, for the improvement of the citizens' life and the economic development. For that reason, we are supporting a partner research group for HORIZON IMPACT AWARD. This award is the European Commission's initiative to recognise and celebrate outstanding projects that have used their results to provide value for society.

We have a strong interest in the exploitation of water purification technology that has been developed in the frame of a previous EU funded project (FP7, contract number: 227017).
